Ocoee Horseback Riding
Located near Chattanooga and Cleveland, TN, Ocoee Horseback Riding features horse riding for beginner and expert riders.

Activities near Chattanooga, TN
Located just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, Ocoee Horseride has 18 friendly horses ready to carry you through the National Forest in Tennessee. Ocoee Horseride offers both 1-hour rides and day rides through the eastern Tennessee mountains.

1-Hour Horse Rides
These shorter horseback rides explore trails on a privately owned farm. Beginning with a 20-minute course on how to ride a horse, this trail ride will be easy and relaxing for beginner horseback riders.

Day Rides
For experienced horse-riders, this day on horseback will take you through the Chattahoochee and Cherokee National Forests. These rides will cross Tennessee rivers and hills. With Chattanooga nearby, many visitors like to take a day on horseback as an escape from the city.
Book Accommodations Now
Call or email us with your questions. We are committed to making your experience at Hiwassee Acres the best it possibly can be.